
Oh, November…

“How did it get so late so soon?” -Dr. Seuss

Oh, can you please tell me how in the world we are already in the month of November?? I simply cannot believe how time has flown by me (and by you maybe). It seems just like a week ago I entered university! It seems like a few weeks ago I turned the big 18!! It seems like a month ago I went to my trip to London…but it definitely was not a week or few nor a month ago all those things happened!!!

Cold nights are here and no other thought crosses my mind other than winter is coming and shortly after that Christmas and New Year and Welcome 2017….and another year goes by within a blink of an eye…

However I made myself a goal for the rest of the year (55 days left),  I am going to enjoy the little things and make them count whether is eating cereals with milk for dinner at 11p.m or almost getting late to a class because there was a spider in my window, and I’m not going to moan more about time…

So November I cannot wait for those chilly afternoons sitting in a coffee shop drinking Hot Chocolate and having silly conversations that late facetime call with my friends that are gone for uni or that eleven p.m gateways to go and eat some chocolate. 

Inês xx



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